Show Hours
The official hours are 9:30-11:30am.
The show occurs on the main surface parking lot in Carillon Point in Kirkland. Take a left at the main intersection on the property when you enter, and the display lot will be on the right. You can access the address in the top right corner of the page.
The show is free for everyone attending as we want to provide an inclusive environment for all.
Parking for spectators can be found by driving past the display lot and to the garage located on the left.
To ensure we can get all owners parked by the beginning of the show, we recommend arriving 30 minutes before the show, between 8:45-9:00am.
As of now the show is invitation only because of our very limited space.
Grab a coffee and a snack before the show at Starbucks or Carillon Kitchen. Looking for post car show plans? Join us for Lunch at either Le Grand Bistro Americain or El Encanto!